Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Some Assembly Required

This summer if I had unlimited funds and I actually knew what I wanted to do in the fall I would start by rebuilding my trucks that I have. I would start with my grandfather’s 66 Chevy pickup. This is where the unlimited funds come in handy. After it has been restored I would start on my camo truck because it is not needed to drive every day which would make it easier. Then I would work on the 74 Chevy pickup that I have and make it my street racer but keep as much original stuff as possible. After that truck is done hen I could start on the old green truck. I would restore it to what it was intended to be when it got built the first time. Once these projects were done summer would be long gone but then it’s still free so I would buy some more projects and get a daily driver to have instead of my green truck

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