Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Likes & Dislikes

  1. Women - this should explain its self
  2. Chevrolet - its General Motors, simple!!
  3. Diesels (as long as i do not have to work on them)
  4. Corvettes - they go really fast with only one other seat
  5. Playing in the mud - Rain makes MUD!!
  6. Supernatural (the tv show)
  7. Craigslist - it is a great time killer
  8. Soda - water rust your gut
  9. Going fast - its just that feeling
  10. Food - i like to eat
  11. Snow - its cold and slippery
  12. Rain - its makes for a great burn out
  13. Camoflauge - its great with every pair of jeans i have
  14. Boots - they last so much longer then shoes
  15. Farting in the vehical with the control of the window

  1. Homework - i work everyday after school and then hang out with friends i do not want to do school at home
  2. Fords - they are backwards from chevy and dodge, confusing
  3. Air that comes from other peoples butts
  4. Comercials - i do not care what you have to sell just let me watch the show
  5. Daylight savings time - i like my sleep
  6. Riding with jake in his 350Z - i get so scared
  7. Reading - i do not like looking at the pages with no pictures
  8. The black chairs in the library - i flip when i lean back
  9. People that drive under the speed limit - i mean come on!!
  10. People that follow me really close - Break check?!
  11. This red dodge that keeps giving me hell at work - we still dont know whats wrong
  12. People that dont know when to keep their mouth shut - not gonna say any names
  13. Struggling to get to sleep and then not being able to wake up the next morning
  14. Burning holes in my jeans - i mean they are expennsive and i dont like paying for new ones
  15. Diet soda - it taste flat

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