Friday, May 3, 2013

Valuable Lessons

1.       Bite your tongue – take the time to realize what you are going to say and then it might become apparent to you that something shouldn’t be said

2.       Take your time – slow and steady wins the race son

3.       Start every bolt before tightening – if you tighten up every bold as you put them in they will not all go in

4.       If everyone in the world likes you then you’re doing something wrong – you cannot be liked by everyone because if you are then you are not being yourself or not telling the truth

5.       Always take the keys out of your truck – you never know when someone is going to drive off in it

6.       Playing in fire does not make you wet the bed – my parents only told me this so I wouldn’t get burned

7.       Actions speak louder than words – very true. It seems I can flip someone off and they always see it where as if I say what the bird means then they never hear me

8.       Don’t bite the hand that feeds you – it’s likely that if you do then you might not get fed again

9.       Treat others the way you want to be treated – this is another self-explanatory one but then again if you treat other like poop it is likely that you will be booted yourself

10.   Karma –Earl Hicky was right for every wrong you do one will be given right back

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