Friday, May 3, 2013


When someone first looks at me I am sure we do not share the same thoughts about myself but I could hope that then can see past all the grease and want to know me for who I really am. Althought I sometimes struggle in knowing and understanding who I am at times, I like to think I am the person that is a friend whom you know you can trust with any secrets and am ready at any time for you to call and want to hang out.

Understanding – I would choose understanding because it is a word that is very univerible in certen terms. The way I would use it is that I am a good listener and that I go out of my way to try and understand what someone is explaining. I try to relate so that I can get as close to the first person feeling as I can. I always try and dig deeper when listening to the person talk about something. I ask to help me understand and as well help them release anything that may be holding them back. In the same sense as listening I am trying to make sure that I make it understood that I will keep this between me and that person I am talking to. They say secrets kill but then what doesn’t?

Thinking – I am a thinker. I want to know as much about something as I can. I want to know how it works why it works that way. I want to be able to take it apart and be able to build it that way myself. I want to rebuild it and make it better. I thrive in understanding anything I can.

Careless - I am careless. I procrastinate till I know something needs to be done. However I do this to the sense that I try not to stress something beyond what it is actually worth. I live in the moment. I do not plan into my future. I do not try to stress what has not happened yet because I do not want to worry about what may never happen. I will say that I do wonder about the “ifs” and I do wonder about what will happen next but I try and avoid it because I know the lord will provide. I have enough faith in him that I do not stress my future very much. Most people say this is stupid and careless but it has worked for me so far.

                I would not be able to do this without all of the writing I have done this semester in creative writing. I do not say that in the sense that I want Mrs. Slagle to have a big head but I actually learned all of this about myself while writing for my future

A fine line


1.       I am a thinker

2.       I am motivated

3.       I have a great memory

4.       I am stubborn

5.       I am creative

6.       I am forgiving

7.       I am a great driver

8.       I am sentimental

9.       I am funny

10.   I am smart


1.       I am a procrastinator

2.       I am often too smart for my own good

3.       I try to hold grudges

4.       I have a road rage issue

5.       I can be very rude at times

6.       I get into a big hurry and become forgetful

7.       I have a temper

8.       I am stubborn

9.       My sarcasm is sometimes taken to serious

10.   My gas ew

Valuable Lessons

1.       Bite your tongue – take the time to realize what you are going to say and then it might become apparent to you that something shouldn’t be said

2.       Take your time – slow and steady wins the race son

3.       Start every bolt before tightening – if you tighten up every bold as you put them in they will not all go in

4.       If everyone in the world likes you then you’re doing something wrong – you cannot be liked by everyone because if you are then you are not being yourself or not telling the truth

5.       Always take the keys out of your truck – you never know when someone is going to drive off in it

6.       Playing in fire does not make you wet the bed – my parents only told me this so I wouldn’t get burned

7.       Actions speak louder than words – very true. It seems I can flip someone off and they always see it where as if I say what the bird means then they never hear me

8.       Don’t bite the hand that feeds you – it’s likely that if you do then you might not get fed again

9.       Treat others the way you want to be treated – this is another self-explanatory one but then again if you treat other like poop it is likely that you will be booted yourself

10.   Karma –Earl Hicky was right for every wrong you do one will be given right back

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Creating A List And Checking It Twice

1.     People who have influenced me

1.       My uncle

2.       My grandma

3.       My boss

4.       My mother

5.       My “father”

6.       My friends

2.     Places that make me happy

1.       My trucks

2.       A mud trail

3.       An open field

4.       My room

5.       Work

6.       McDonald’s with friends

3.     Places I would like to go

1.       Las Vegas

2.       The Hoover Dam

3.       Alaska

4.       Hawaii

5.       Indianapolis football game

6.       St. Louis baseball game

4.     Things in people that I like

1.       Humor

2.       A good listener

3.       Advice

4.       Knowing what they want

5.       Trust

6.       Good attitude

5.     Things in people that I dislike

1.       Repetiveness

2.       Clinginess

3.       Arrogance

4.       Laziness

5.       Negativeness

6.       Being stinky

6.     Things that worry me

1.       Death at times

2.       Money at times

3.       The things I eat

4.       My grandma

5.       Myself

6.       How I could have made a situation better

7.     Things I would like to know how to do

1.       Play guitar

2.       Play video games like some people

3.       Cook good food

4.       Make fast easy money

5.       Drive like they do in the movies

6.       Sew so it don’t fall apart

8.     Things that have moved me

1.       My friends

2.       My job

3.       My mom

4.       My uncle

5.       My grandma

6.       A vehicle

9.     Ideas that intrigue me

1.       Space

2.       Time

3.       Zodiacs

4.       High School Seniors

5.       Politics

6.       A higher power

10.  My personal favorites

1.       My grandma

2.       My dog

3.       Kodi

4.       My bed

5.       Springtime

6.       Free stuff

Monday, April 22, 2013

Never say goodbye

The goodbye I am going to talk about is one I have yet to experience but is still one I have thought about over and over. I still don’t know whether it is a goodbye or maybe space is only needed for now. The things that make me want to say goodbye are: first, her family hates me. They think I am the reason for all the bed things that can or have happen to her. Yet when they talk to my face they are the nicest people you would ever meet. The thing that I must say now is that I hear this from her. Now I do not know if it is completely true or not but then again why would she say it knowing how it makes me feel and what it does to me. But I know you will say that it doesn’t matter what her parents or family think of you but it does to me. If marriage is a possibility then that would be my family talking about me behind my back. That is not right. The next reason is more for me but the whole going through my phone is not cool. Not ok. I think she has trust issues and/or she is just freaking out that she will lose me which could be right if she continues doing that. I woke up last week and it was too early for my phone to go off so I just laid there with my eyes closed. I knew she was up and on a phone but it did not register with me that it could be my phone. Well when my alarm finally went off I was shocked to see her hand over my phone and the shocked look on her face was another give away. Then after I look through my phone and see she was still in one of my message threads and didn’t get the chance to exit out of it. That was the dead giveaway. Why? Why would she do that? The next reason is that she still won’t drive and when I go hang out with my friends she has to go because she don’t want to stay at home and yet she still does nothing but nag at me about wanting to go home. That drives me nuts. Then she does nothing but constantly ask me who I’m talking to on my phone. Every time I check the time she asks me what I’m doing and it drives me nuts. All of these things put together anger me but yet I still have the feeling in me where I am afraid to hurt her feelings but yet the my knowledge tells me I need to do this and try to end it. Well I tried to talk to her and at least have her move out so I could have my space but what I got was a no. what do I do now?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

In Other Words

Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”

- Mark Twain

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

- Gandhi

“Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you’ll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others.”

- Jacob M. Braude

“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”

- Winston Churchill

“Our death is not an end if we can live on in our children and the younger generation. For they are us, our bodies are only wilted leaves on the tree of life.”

- Albert Einstein

“Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get if you don’t.”

- Pete Seeger

“The only true wisdom is knowing that you know nothing.”

- Socrates

“Family isn’t about whose blood you have. It’s about who you care about.”

- Trey Parker and Matt Stone

“Your friend is the man who knows all about you and still likes you.”

- Elbert Hubbard

“The best jokes are dangerous, and dangerous because they are in some way truthful.”

- Kurt Vonnegut

Monday, April 15, 2013


Which is wiser? a pen or pencil? pencil because there are multiple tools in one. you have the ability to use the led in many different ways and then you also have the eraser which not only fixes mistakes but also is a tool in its own
Which is smarter? A clock or a calendar? calendar because where as a clock is set on a gear and is turned and turned by a battery the calendar must answer to nobody. the calendar is a work that took years to try to understand and yet it is still miss taken
Which is like a contest? a cloud or a sunset? a cloud because it fights with other clouds for territory in the sky. then they also try to hide the sun
Which is more difficult? a dream or a nightmare? nightmare because its hard to forget. and it sticks with you and Is hard to forget
Which is braver? an hour or a year? hour because things get done now they do not wait the where as a year you can talk yourself out of things
Which has more pride? an entrance or an exit? entrance because its like bam I'm here and you have all your pride when you enter 
Which is easier to close? a road or a map? road. how would close the maps that are on paper and have been out for 10 plus years. then even if people try to drive it you can just send them on a detour
Which is more suspenseful? rain or snow? rain because there are tornado and floods and it can happen so fast. where as snow gives a slightly larger chance.
Which is more useful? a friend or an enemy? friend because they are cheap entertainment and they are there when you need them. friends are also there to kick you while your down
Which is more trustworthy? history or literature? history because it is proof that it has happened. anyone can write something and make it published but history is being made now
Which is happier? music or art? for me music is happier due to the lack of creativity I have in my mind. plus I find it easier to just relate to music because it can change my mood so easily